There are a lot of things in life we have control over. What we eat for breakfast, what we wear to school, who are friends are. These are the simple decisions that make life enjoyable. A series of choices you have full control over. And then there are the predicaments that are much messier; family life, financial situations, illness, death; the things you have no bearing over.
It's extremely difficult to accept that you have no control over a situation. I could sit here and tell you that you ought to learn to roll with life's punches, but I know that's much easier said than done. The feeling of knowing there's nothing you can possibly do to change an outcome can fill anyone with anger, depression, and frustration. In some ways it's like being trapped in a room with no way out.
I think the most important thing here is acceptance. It might take months, even years to come to terms with something, but that's the only way. And while that scar will always be there, with time things get easier. And that's the point right? Those bumps in the road help you grow, they make you better. Focus on the little things you can control. Hold the door for the person coming out behind you, be there for your friends and family. Your attitude can take you a long ways. And while none of these solutions might change the situation, they will definitely change your outlook. Everything has a siverlining wether you know it or not. Life will never throw you something you can't handle.