Ever get in that phase when nothing seems to wow you? You've just done something fun and then you have nothing to look forward to. Maybe you've gone to the beach too many times or listened to too much of the same music. Strangely, for me at the time I'm writing this, the only thing I'm really hyped for is my first trip to California in August.
Sure, I'll be excited to start work this summer and I always love going places and hanging out with friends, but after awhile everything seems a little routine if there isn't much of a change. By no means is routine bad or perpetually boring, but you do tend to notice the slow nature of daily activities if they aren't always super interesting. Perhaps what's even worse is figuring out what to do after something really fun happens.
At the moment, I can't really think much about life after my California trip. Once my trip is over, I'll be back at school for my senior year. After finishing my internship and going on my trip, I can't help but feel that my senior year is not going to compare to those experiences because I won't be working in an office, but rather be babied at college and because I won't be in sunny California anymore! Now, it's important for me and people feeling like me to avoid rushing life to get to certain events, but it is important to acknowledge the more boring parts of life.
Truthfully, I feel that I don't have much to look forward to senior year, even though that's not really true. For me, it's more of a "let's just go through the motions" type of year. I will certainly try to have fun and make the best of it, but when you go to Ramapo for three years, you have a sense of how it's going to be and how little there will actually be to do. I don't mind having a relatively stress free, semi-boring year at school because that's how it's always been for me at college, but it's certainly going to be tough topping a summer where I had an internship and where I went to California.
Ultimately, people feeling like I am have to remember to appreciate the lulls of summer. Not every bit has to be exciting, and that's OK. If you can make your time more exciting, go for it, but if you can't, no biggie. Additionally, try not to rush any part of your life. In reference to my example, enjoy the summer and the things you do even if there is routine. Get excited for that trip or that one week that you're looking forward to, but don't let it dictate your mood or excitement too much, especially since it might not live up to the hype.
Finally, regardless of whether or not you're going back to school as a senior or not, enjoy the ride. Try not to set the scene for the year when you haven't lived it yet. If it's great, awesome! If not, try to challenge it or at the very least enjoy the highs and lows of whatever the semester brings and appreciate that nothing is eternally boring, stressful, or fast-paced.