Sometimes you meet a person and you think “wow, I’m gonna be friends with them forever.” You start spending so much time with them, that even the idea of not being friends with them for a long time is absurd. Things about both of your lives is shared so easily and readily that it almost becomes like you know each other better than you even know yourselves.
Every waking moment of your time, you’re basically with them. Having insane sleepovers with extreme amounts of junk food just for the two of you, driving around and jamming every night that you possibly can. It seems like it’s some of the best days of your life and you never want it to end. It’s just the two of you and it almost seems like nothing could ever come between you.
And then one day, you’re not friends with this person anymore.
Sometimes it happens for a good reason, sometimes you just kind of drift apart, but regardless of the reason, all of a sudden they no longer are really a part of your life.
Eventually, they basically become a stranger. It’s a sad kind of moment when you see them a couple years later and realize that maybe you still know something about them, but maybe you don’t. Maybe their favorite show isn’t 'Doctor Who' anymore and maybe their favorite past time isn’t singing along to the 'Cheetah Girls' in the car.
It ends up being a sort of strange relationship where you don’t know how to act in regards to them. You follow their life on social media and sometimes maybe you get pangs of nostalgia when you see posts of them going to concerts with other people.
But then you realize that you have your own life too now. You’ve become a different person and you’ve grown in ways that maybe makes you unrecognizable itself.
Sure, every once in a while you may get tempted to message them to catch up, and sometimes you do. It’s nice to hear from them, but you know that things will never be the same, so in the end it kind of feels pointless.
You wish them the best even if you know that you’ll not be in their life again to celebrate the good times, and you hope that they hope the same for you.
It can be a hard thing to accept, especially if the times you had with them were some of the best times of your life. But that’s just life. People change, people grow, and sometimes that 'Forever Best Friend' just doesn’t work out like you thought it did.