When I was younger I considered myself a tomboy, because I mainly hung out with boys in my neighborhood and just got along better with guys in general. However, I realized I am not a tomboy really at all. Tomboys are known for being good at sports and over all just an athletic person. I am not. I played soccer when I was little, but the only reason I did was because my best friend was on the same team and we got snacks at half time. After a year or two of playing soccer I quit because my friend had been put on another team. My dad tried with every fiber in his body to get me to play tennis, but the idea of having to practice with a bunch of snotty country club kids and wear a skirt disgusted me. I attempted lacrosse only to realize I am terrified of getting hit in the face with the ball, so that didn’t work out. I did play field hockey from fourth grade through my freshman year of high school, but once again that was really for the social aspect of it and as soon as it started getting difficult in high school I dipped out. So yeah...maybe I’m not actually a tomboy, so does this mean I’m a “girly girl?” That would be a hard NO. I can’t do the normal tasks a girl does. Not just stuff that qualifies a person to be a “girly girl” but a functioning female in general. For example:
1. I don’t know how to do my hair...like at all
2. Eyeliner is my Mt. Everest
3. Actually all makeup is difficult for me
4. I never learned to flirt
5. I’m not so skilled when it comes to being ladylike
6. Dresses remind me of straight jackets
7. I have a colorful vocabulary
8. A lot of people don’t get my dry, dark sense of humor
9. Shaving my legs is my personal hell
10. Affection creeps me out
11. Walking in heels might as well be an Olympic sport for me
13. I hate the movie Titanic
14. I say what’s on my mind even if it’s super weird or mean
15. I never wear real clothes or a “cute” outfit to class or really anywhere
So I may not be a tomboy or a “girly girl” and I have learned to accept that. I’m more of your sarcastic, loud, weird girl and I couldn’t be more proud of it. Cause at the end of the day who cares what other people think?