No matter where you are at in your life regarding education, employment, age, or money, there will always be stresses in your life. It obviously varies between person to person about what kind of catalyst it is, but at the end of the day, stress is stress. Sometimes we forget that we don't have to live every day with constant worry and with a brain that can't find relaxation. But there are things we can do to calm our nerves and live life in a more serene way that can be in both small and large ways.
When we think of relaxation, we think of things tied to vacationing: a warm beach, drinks in hand, wandering a location and with nothing but time. As great as that can be, and it really could be a cure for anything, it doesn't necessarily work out for everyone. It can be expensive, take up too much time, or just not be someone's cup of tea.
Regardless of the reasoning, there are alternatives to give you relief and happiness. Sometimes, it can just be just five minutes out of your day to do something you love to do. Go to your favorite coffee shop and get a perfect cup of coffee to start off the day strong. End the day by turning off your phone and watching your favorite TV show with someone you love, and that someone could even be a pet. You could even plan a small weekend getaway to explore a place that could even be in your home state. There are so many things you can do to help clear your mind.
If you find yourself having an exceptionally stressful week, always remember to take a step back and look at the big picture. Obviously those things giving you stress are important otherwise you wouldn't be worrying about them, but try to focus on yourself in the midst of the chaos too. Make sure you are taking care of yourself: eat healthy meals, get enough sleep, cry a little, laugh a lot, and give yourself time to unwind. When you find yourself working like a robot, you are going to drive your body into the ground. Your body is not a machine, it needs a little TLC, well, sometimes it needs a lot.
When you neglect it, it will begin to deteriorate to force you to slow down. This often comes in forms of sickness like flus, colds, fevers, constant headaches, body aches, and so much more. If you find yourself feeling more lethargic than usual, know that this is a sign that you need to rest. Take time to make sure you are OK before you continue exhausting yourself. All the things you need to do can wait. Even if you don't think so, picture it like this: if you work yourself too much and you get dreadfully sick, instead of pushing back the To-Do List, you are not even going to be able to complete any of it. You are going to need to stay in bed, resting and sleeping. This will only add to your stress levels when you begin to realize how far behind you are truly getting. So before you get yourself to this point, slow down, take a breath of fresh air, and realize that you are human.
At the end of the day, this stress is only temporary so realize your worth and your strength. You are more than your worries and you deserve all the happiness in the world.