When someone you love is diagnosed with cancer, everyone around you is diagnosed as well. Obviously, cancer takes the biggest toll on those who are diagnosed, but it also has detrimental effects on everyone who loves and cares about that person. Seeing the pain and suffering that a cancer patient goes through is easily passed on to those around them. From watching their arms be pumped with toxic chemicals to nausea that follows.
From losing hair, to the copious amount of doctors appointments, it takes a toll on the patient, friends and family alike. The emotions that run through the bodies of those affected by someone’s diagnosis are indescribable. Feelings of despair, lost hope and fear flood the hearts, minds and bodies of those who love the patient. Somedays, it feels almost impossible to see past the depressing statistics and dark future.
However, when someone you love is diagnosed with cancer, there are lessons to be learned, memories to be created and moments to be cherished. You learn just how important it is to live everyday like your last, because with cancer, you never know when your last may be. You learn just how important it is to treasure every moment with your loved one, because one day, they might not be around to spend time with.
You learn to savor every experience that you share with your loved one, because one day all you will have left is the memories you have created. You learn that there is no amount of money that isn’t worth being spent on treatment and research. Medical expenses add up quickly—and sometimes you are forced to choose between going out to eat, or saving your money for future treatments.
A fatal diagnosis like cancer solidifies the fact that there is no such thing as a penny wasted when it comes to saving someone’s life. Although a cancer diagnosis is a depressing and fearful time for all, it is important to look for whatever silver linings that you can. The patient is suffering, and the last thing they want is to make you suffer, too.
Even though it’s difficult to always bear a smile, your loved one needs your support and encouragement, they count on it. You never know, your hope might be the only thing that is motivating them to keep fighting.