Recently, someone who left me like I was nothing tried to come back into my life. At one point, I thought that was what I wanted. I thought, more than anything I wanted them back in my life. But when I got their text something changed, I was infuriated. I could not believe that they had the decency to text me. How could they, after months of not texting me try to come back into my life?
I woke up the morning before they texted me and I had finally felt a peace. I felt good with my life and the decisions I had made up until that day. Then I got that text and my world turned upside down. I felt like I had been stabbed in the heart because of course a part of me still cares about them, right? But I realized something, I felt peace that morning right? I was happy without them in my life.
If I go back to where I was before they left me, I would go back to being miserable. I would go back to where they would be picking someone else over me, never having enough time for me, and feeling like I was worthless. I’m better than that. I don’t deserve to feel like I am nothing.
I have a friend in my life now that treats me like I deserve to be treated. Who has a boyfriend and still has time for me. Who wants to be my friend and didn’t have to take a break from me to realize what they had before. I do not need them in my life anymore, and I hate to say it but I don’t want them in my life anymore. I want nothing more than happiness for them, but I can’t sacrifice my happiness for theirs anymore.