It is in the wake of tragedy and loss that I am reminded of something very important. That you are never too busy for your family or loved ones.
It can be easy to get so caught up in the daily struggles of our own lives that we oftentimes forget to remind the people around us how much they mean to us. You may even begin to find yourself making excuses, such as being too busy or too tired after a long day.
But, when tragedy strikes, it is with heavy hearts and an overflow of emotions that we can all agree on one thing: life is too short.
It's under these horribly unfortunate circumstances that we are reminded to hold our loved ones tight. I challenge you to make more time in your life to remind them how much they mean to you.
Let them know you appreciate them—right now!
And continue to do it tomorrow, next week and every day.
You have no idea how much a simple "just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you and have a good day" can mean to someone.
Visit more often. Make memories now, while you can. Record their voice and take lots of pictures.
You can never let someone know what they mean to you too much, and you will only regret the times you didn't. It's too bad that it takes loss and hardship to remind us of this, but it's better late than never.
So make a point to go out of your way for someone. Think of little things you can do to brighten their day.
It can be so much easier than you think to put a smile on someone's face. It doesn't require money, a whole lot of effort, or even very much of your life. Just be there for them and remind them of that. The people in your life deserve all recognition in the world.
So take some time out of your busy day and give it to them. A phone call could mean the world to someone who hasn't heard from you in a while.
Hold yourself accountable and make it happen. Stop making excuses, for one day it could be too late.
And you don't want to live with that kind of regret.
Starting today, turn over a new leaf with people who you are on bad terms with.
Life is too short to hold grudges.