At some point in our lives, for whatever reason, we will have to say goodbye to someone. Sometimes it’s a good thing, such as ending a bad relationship. But sometimes saying goodbye really really hurts and you suddenly feel so lonely.
This week I not only said goodbye to one friend, but a whole familyof friends who have been called to serve in another country. And let me tell ya, it’s really hard. I have known these folks for as long as I can remember and not having them here has left a big hole--and a quiet one at that!
What I’ve learned through this situation--or really what God has taught me--is that any kind of goodbye isn’t a bad thing. This may feel sad, but it’s actually awesome. My sweet friends are going to share Jesus to a nation in great need and that is so cool! Since their announcement of the move God has opened my eyes to how He has been preparing them (and me) for this next step. It is so incredible to see God working!! And He always is working, we just need to step back and see it.
I’ve said before that I live by a plan. Part of my plan is that all of my people stay together in our happy little circle. However, if that was how it would anyone outside of that circle hear about Jesus? We wouldn’t be able to obey God’s commandment and GO if we all stayed put. So once again, God has shown me that my plan isn't all that great.
Goodbyes do indeed leave a void--it’s hard to replace your bond with that person. But as long as you fill that void with Jesus and His goodness, you’re not missing out. Always look to see what God is doing in that goodbye. Having to leave that best friend might just be God’s way of leading you to a new one who is even better. Hugging that family for the last time was God calling me to step up as a leader in my college group. He is ALWAYS working, He is ALWAYS good. Even when it seems like God is stripping you of everything, He is making room for Him to work in you and bless you with greater things than you could ever ask for.
Rejoice in those friendships, rejoice in what He does with them, and rejoice for what He has ahead for you. Trust me, it’s gonna be great.
“By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.” 1 John 3:16