Think hard about whether this is what you want, as with any decision you make that scars your body.
When I was approaching my 18th birthday I could feel the presence of adulthood just around the corner, and I couldn't wait to be consumed by it. Naturally, I hypothesized with my friends what ought to be the move for my eighteenth. Should I get a facial tattoo and make my parents proud, tongue piercings because I'm edgy, or try a new hair color to compensate for my personality. There are simply too many potential improvements to choose just one. So I chose the piercings, and I chose three.
Who you surround yourself with is very important to the nipple piercing process.
At HTC Body Piercing, there was a special for up to three free piercings on the date of your 18th birthday, and all it would cost is the price of the jewelry. Two friends came with me to help with the decision, and as only the greatest of friends do, dissuaded me from piercing something like my eyebrow or nose without thinking it over. I knew I was piercing both of my ears because it was something I always wanted to do. All it took was one of my friend's to mention, "Hey, if you get your nipple pierced, I will too." and I was sold on the idea. It was approaching late afternoon when we were in the studio and I was advised to go grab a bite to eat. My appointment wouldn't be for another half hour or so and I needed to increase my blood sugar.
Back in the studio, I got my ears done first. The nipple was next, and I went before my friend did. The sanitizing was very cold, but nothing compared to the sting. I remember looking only at my friends faces as they were watching the process and, seemingly out of nowhere, I blinked and woke up in the arms of the piercer. Chills spread across my body as I looked over at my friends pale faces and asked "Did I just pass out?" and they all affirmed I did. As I slowly lay back down I glanced at the skewer in my chest and immediately knew I made a great decision. Instead of risking another knockout from my low blood sugar, our friend who was free of nipple piercings drove us home.
Caution and Care
Taking care of that new piece of jewelry is a tough time.
Don't ever rush your body's healing process. I was given a liquid solution to sanitize my piercings for about 6 months. Little did I know the bar in my chest would not heal completely for another year after that. This is one of those piercings that stubbornly wants to close at any opportunity.
Seat belts, suspenders, backpacks, shirts with thick material or with holes in them, towels, those spongy bath scrubs, sleeping on your chest, all of these are associated with pain until the healing is done, and maybe even afterward. Make some compromises with your daily routine that don't involve these and you will be all the happier you did. Except for seat belts. No exceptions to the seat belt rule, tough it out.
Does it matter to you who knows your nipple is pierced?
How you hide a new piercing from your mother is that you don't. The night I came home I abandoned any idea I had about keeping my three piercings a secret, and even if I had them yanked out I would be as bold and upfront with my mother as I could be. She was initially surprised and upset at my decision, but it was my birthday so we still went out to dinner. By the end of the night we were laughing together about how little of a deal it is. She was happy it wasn't an outrageous hair color or tattoo.
I was a little more cautious toward my Dad and Step-mother, so they wouldn't find out for two years. That's two years of avoiding water park and pool invites in the dry heat of summers in Arizona. My Dad would also cut my hair at the time, so I would remove my piercing in the bathroom before hand, have him cut my hair as I sit on a stool shirtless, then go back inside and reinsert it before cleaning up. I was worried he would notice if I left it in, or that my piercing would close up in the half hour long haircut, but neither happened.
Outside of parents and siblings, extended family would have to read this for the three years old piece of news!
This is most important. You paid the price so be proud! Not everyone can stick through the trying times you withstood.
After one year I did the right thing with my ear piercings and disposed of them with no remorse. They are wonderful additions to any appearance that invites them, but I realized I was happier with natural lobes.
However, having my nipple pierced is a fun fact about my body that I am proud to own. It was spontaneous, painful, and a load of work to manage, but a very fun addition that I would not remove except to swap it out for a 24 karat gold bar one day.