I caught myself doing it again- getting caught up in the future. It creeps up on you so easily, especially when you realize how the years have flown by. I see friends and family I’ve grown up with graduating from college or getting married, and it hits me. I’m in a whole new season of life. It used to be one day I’ll be in fifth grade and get to sit on the back of the bus.
One day I’ll be an eighth grader. One day I’ll be in high school. One day I’ll graduate. I wonder what I’ll be when I grow up one day.
Then you blink and one day becomes today. You get to sit in the back of the bus. You go through middle school and high school. You graduate. Then you find yourself looking around and thinking, “I’m grown up and I’m still not sure exactly what I’m going to be.” That’s when it’s easy to fall into the trap. More questions pop into your mind, more one days. What will I be doing in five, ten years? Where will God lead me? Who will I meet? Who will I marry? What career field am I supposed to go into? They never stop, and probably never will, even when you turn eighty. But that’s the thing.
The future is always, if anything, uncertain. It’s not even guaranteed. We only have right now. In the moments when I’m only concerned with tomorrow, God whispers in my heart about today: “I’ve planted you here, in this season, by streams of living water. Grow where I’ve planted you.” Today is all I’ve been given. He’s given me so much with today. He’s given me His love, His favor, and His mercy. He’s given me friends and family. He’s given me work to do right now. He’s placed people in my life to share His grace with.
Most of all, He’s given me Himself. I think sometimes Satan distracts us with even the good possibilities of the future, so we don’t pay attention to all God desires for us to live out today. He has so much for you, so many possibilities with each new morning. Let’s enjoy the seasons we’re in, as the gifts they are. Find joy in the day to day moments and let “one day” come when it may. “For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)