I rang in the new year this year thinking, "This is it. No losses 2016. I'm going to make this year my bitch." For approximately 11 days, I felt unstoppable. Now, I'm sitting here thinking about all the difficulties I have faced and all the negative experiences that have occurred this year. My grandfather and sorority sister passed away, I am on the brink of failing a class, and I got screwed over yet again. Some people have more on their plate, some have less. Loss is not an easy concept to endure, and by no means do I wish it would happen to anyone. But what I think needs to be understood about loss is that all those cliches about doors closing and opening are actually true.
It's really hard to face some losses, so I'm not going to sit here, behind the safety net of my computer screen, and tell you to move on. I know it's not that simple, and it would probably just annoy you. I'm telling you that yes, it does get better, and eventually, the wound won't sting, but it's OK if it still hurts. It is more than OK not to be OK. There is no deadline on "getting over something," and no one should make you feel like your problems are irrelevant. It doesn't matter if it was losing a baseball game or your best friend, no one can dictate how you are allowed to feel about any situation.
Now, my "No Losses 2016" has turned into "Nothing But Losses 2016." It's unfortunate, but this has been just a really sad year personally. However, I can still make this my year. I can take those losses and turn them into learning experiences. They can and will give me strength during inevitable future obstacles that are going to try to bring me down. This year has become one giant life lesson, and yes, it does sound super lame, but I know that the only way to go if you're at the bottom is up. I truly believe that I can fix this year and maybe it won't be great, but it will definitely be unforgettable.
I have experienced a lot of pain this year, but I failed to realize all the joy that has hit this year as well. I made new friends, tried new things, and created some unforgettable memories. Bonds have been made, and bonds have been broken. I've said some hellos, and I've said some goodbyes. We all have. Some losses can't be changed or replaced. Some can be. Losing a loved one or a love is difficult. Losing anything is difficult. I'm truly sorry for anyone who has had to endure any form of loss this year, but I hope that you found some good in 2016 and continue to try to turn it around. So it's not your year. It's not mine either, so at least you're not totally alone here.
I believe that this year still has some potential, so I'm gonna hold on to that potential and actually try to make this a "No More Losses 2016," or a "Yeah, I Lost, But It's OK 2016." I can try, right?