When 'Monty Python And The Holy Grail' Explains Life | The Odyssey Online
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When 'Monty Python And The Holy Grail' Explains Life

When 'Monty Python And The Holy Grail' Explains Life

Well, another school year has come and gone and with that, I find that humor is the best way to reflect on the year. A lot happened and there were many challenges that at times felt impossible but somehow we survived it. Now you may ask, what kind of humor can possibly explain college at all? Well, my answer to you is, "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" of course! Here are all of the magical ways "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" explains college perfectly.

1. Thinking you know exactly what you're doing

Sometimes you just have to keep clapping your coconuts and act like you know what is happening. You will get there eventually but it can be rather confusing how things got to where they are. Did the swallows bring you to where you are? Who really knows. Just keep moving on like King Arthur does.

2. Finals week

You know summer is close and sometimes the drudge of studying for finals feels like a fate worse than death but the good news is you're not dead yet.

3. Picking who is in charge

There is always a leader in a group and sometimes that pisses off other people in the group. There is no good science behind who is the leader and when but there always is one and usually someone is jealous.

4. When you're sick

You feel awful but you know skipping class is a bad idea so you tell yourself that it's not that bad. Pretending you don't want to curl up in bed with a week of Netflix and ice cream is the only way you are going to make it though at this point.

5. Trying to learn something before an exam

The night before an exam and you have been studying all day. There is little hope left and you are beginning to become delirious so why not just start smacking the book on your head?

6. Study groups

When nobody has any idea what is going on but someone takes charge some of the possible ideas that come out seem rather far fetched.

7. Parties

Everyone is young and excited to be there. With the drinks flowing and the music cranked up your new best friend might be in there somewhere so get on the dance floor and have a blast.

8. Finding purpose

It takes a lot of trial and error to figure out what you want to do with your life sometimes. You are bound to have a moment where a chat with God (or whomever you prefer to chat with) and all will make sense.

9. When you really don't like someone

People can be obnoxious and you won't always get along with everyone you meet. A good insult is all it takes to get your point across and get them to leave you alone.

10. When your plans aren't totally thought through

College is all about learning through trial and error. You may have thought your plan was brilliant until a friend points out your fatal flaw. These friends are important and while being wrong sometimes sucks, but in the long run, you will be glad you learned the lessons they taught you.

11. Boring lectures

The professor is droning on and you can't keep up anymore, all you want to do is holler at them to get to the point but you bite your tongue in hopes that the lecture ends soon.

12. Office hours and tutoring just leave you more confused

You try to find help but asking for help leads you to more questions than answers.

13. Sometimes the only way to pass is with a shrubbery

Or at least it feels like it. You have no idea what is going on in class and the expectations of you feel like they are coming out of left field. Maybe a nice gift will help persuade the professor to give you a nudge in the right direction.

14. When you finally make it to summer vacation

The relief is overwhelming and the joy that comes with turning off your brain is like finally completing a quest that has lasted for many seasons.

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