When life starts to become messy and a million things come at me at once, the first thing to go is my confidence. I stop taking care of myself, and when I look in the mirror, I immediately turn away. If something goes wrong, I tell myself that it’s all my fault, that I’m useless, that I need to be better. When life grinds me to the ground, I grind myself into bits along with it.
Slowly, but surely, I am learning that in a storm, I am the eye — not the debris being destroyed within the chaos. And you are, too.
Often when things get tough, it gets easy to blame everything on yourself. You start to think that if you had just done this, or just said that, you wouldn’t be in the difficult place you’re in, or maybe if you looked a certain way that things would fall into your lap easier. I don’t have to tell you for you to know that this doesn’t make any sense, and even when you do know that, it happens nonetheless. It’s tough, and sometimes you don’t have power over the way you feel.
The best cure for this is to just keep reminding yourself of your worth, even when you don’t believe it.
Write it down ten times or place a sticky note where you can see it daily. DO whatever you have to, to keep it in your mind. Because you ARE valuable, even if life is making you feel otherwise. No matter what mistakes you make or what troubles fall upon you, you are not the horrible things you tell yourself. In fact, you’re more than likely the opposite, and all the stress you’re feeling is just manifesting itself into a negative self-image.
At the end of it all, you only have yourself. You have to be your own support system because there are never any guarantees about anything or anyone except for that. When your base is strong, when you take care of yourself and feel better as a result of that, other things will start to fall into place. You can tackle things with more energy and determination, and the list of things that have been dragging you down will start to dwindle. If you don’t remind yourself that you can make it through, it’s that much harder to do so. Self-love is integral to picking up the pieces when your life falls apart.
Lastly, self-love and positivity are a process — you are never going to just wake up one day and think you are the greatest thing to bless the world.
You have to work on it constantly and always remind yourself of your worth. You know yourself best, so you are the one who can fully understand the best parts of you. Do this when things are going well, but also do it when things are going bad because that’s when you’ll need it most.