None of us were destined to walk through life carefree and without struggle. We were all assigned certain hardships to battle. That is how we will grow into who we are meant to become. You always grow through what you go through.
But sometimes, that load can feel extra heavy. Sometimes, you have to carry so much weight on your shoulders that you think you will break. Sometimes, there is so much darkness that you can't see the light anymore.
I promise, it is there. Some days you just have to look a little bit harder for it.
Maybe it'll appear in the smile of a stranger, the hug from a friend or the right text at the right time saying exactly what you needed to hear. Those little beams of light are your hope, your reminders that happiness will find its way to you again.
You are wonderfully made. You are a unique individual, and only you can overcome the battles you were assigned.
God did not put you on this earth only to struggle or for your heart only to break. This is such a small part of your life, and I promise you will find so much joy and love. Remember, the struggle is always part of the story.
Maybe, in life right now, your load isn't feeling that heavy. Maybe things are going great for you. In this case, remember to check on the people around you. Everyone is always going through more than they let on.
If you have an opportunity to be a light for somebody else, always take it.
Because we're all hurting; we're all struggling. The worst thing you can do is alienate yourself and think you have to struggle alone. You never deserve to struggle alone.
We just all have to hold each other up through it all. We have to have faith in, and for, one another. We have to help carry someone's load when it is too heavy, and we have to allow others to help carry ours in return.
The world deals out heartache very generously. But always remember you craft your own happiness.
You have more strength inside of you than you will ever realize. You will overcome this too.