Every day things happen every one of us and whether we take those things into a big consideration for our everyday lives or we take them with a grain of salt, there’s something about the little things in life that really makes everything truly worthwhile. From your mom making your favorite meal without you knowing or your significant other just saying that you look beautiful when you clearly just woke up and don’t look your best. These are the things we have to consider in our lives because these are things that matter.
Life is too short to wait around for grand gestures and really it’s too short to wait around for anything, that’s why when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade (I know the pun, bare with me people) because in that moment that’s what you’re supposed to be doing. Everyone has their own path set for them (whether you believe in a higher being or anything spiritual or anything bigger than us) there’s something that’s out there that leads you down the roads you are meant to go down.
Life is one big entire lesson and it is up to us on this Earth to make the best of the life given to us, so take your break up and hold it close for as long as you need to heal, take your new relationship and enjoy it every second and do not think about whether or not it is going to last or it isn’t, or start a new book or study instead of going out because whatever you choose to do will eventually lead you to exactly where you need to be regardless if you think it sucks or not. I have gone through the worst of times and the best of times and sure you know you don’t deserve the bad times and when the times are good you know that's where you're meant to be, but there’s something my mom always said and it’s something that is so drilled into my brain and it is that “everything happens for a reason” because whether we like or not it does. We are supposed to take every lesson learned, every rule we have broken, and every experience we encounter and let it be exactly what we need in that moment.
The things that happen to us in our daily lives sometimes may suck and you know in your heart and mind you don’t deserve to be put in these situations, but eventually, it’ll lead you to something better (it may not be tomorrow or in a week, but be patient). It’s the times when we’re not looking and we find a penny that is heads up and think “oh it’s my lucky day”, but really what got you there in the first place? A few years back, I got into a car accident, the car flipped over twice and fortunately enough no one was seriously injured, I had a concussion and a black eye and unfortunately something similar happened to a few students from my high school recently (god bless, they had minor injuries as well), but it’s moments like this where we can lose everything in a second and get a second chance. Life is too short to live in regret, that’s why today I ask you to take a step back from your sorrow or your bad day and think, I’m where I’m supposed to be and I’ll be okay.