June 24, 2016 marks the single-most momentous day in British politics since the closing of World War II. In a wild twist of fate, the people of the United Kingdom voted, by a very slim margin, to leave their previously pronounced place in the European Union (EU). Initially founded to provide a backboned unity and peace to European nations following the bloody World Wars, the EU long represented a conjoined coalition for economic prosperity, peace and political solidarity following its infancy in the 1950's. The organization in its initial form was known as the European Economic Community, founded by the Treaty of Rome in 1957.
Before yesterday, the United Kingdom played a crucially integral leadership role in the EU. The term "Brexit" is short for "British exit," referring to their departure from the formerly united coalition of European countries. This decision is internationally notable for countless reasons, and is contentious even within the UK's population. Yesterday, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales voted on the question, "Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?" While most believed the referendum would not pass, 52 percent of the British population voted "leave," while a close 48 percent voted "remain." UK's Prime Minister, David Cameron, who was an avid proponent of remaining in the EU, announced his resignation upon the results being called this morning.
This truly shocking referendum is problematic, frightening and anxiety-inducing throughout the world for several reasons. Many of those from the "leave" campaign advocated their position because of xenophonic fears of immigrants and represented the more wealthy and older intersections of the British population, leaving the Millennial generation of Britain infuriated and concerned for the future of their country. One Millennial from Bristol commented on Twitter, "I'm so angry. A generation given everything: free education, golden pensions, social mobility have voted to strip my generation's future." The Brexit vote left the UK divided along economic, age and ideological lines.
So, how has the international community reacted to this shocking news? Obviously, many nations and politicians issued statements, gave speeches and offered support. However, as in many internationally significant events, the Internet has offered its two cents in a way that crosses all cultural boundaries: memes.
Here are some of the best memes that creatively depict the world's reaction to this remarkable Brexit.
1. Pepe The Frog Strikes Again
Would it really be an article about memes if Pepe didn't make an appearance?2. An Awkward Cinematic Reference
I wonder how Ice Cube feels about the #Brexit.3. The Hard Pill To Swallow
Will a spoonful of sugar help this political medicine go down? Probably not.4. The Necessary Food Pun
So long to the proper British breakfast.5. Michael Can't Get No Respect
6. The Idiot Sandwich Comeback
I have a sinking suspicion that Gordon Ramsey isn't too happy about this Brexit, either.7. Millennials are not Amused.
Most of the younger British generation voted "remain," and are beyond angry about the results of the referendum. See the below chart as evidence of their voting patterns.
8. The Simplistic Inquiry
This one really speaks for itself, as it dares to ask, "Why?"9. The Relevant Spongebob Reference
Spongebob meme or it didn't happen.
10. David Cameron: Foot In Mouth Edition
This one has to hurt a little... Sorry, Prime Minister Cameron.
11. Free Dobby Weighs In
Dobby might be a free elf, but I'm not entirely sure that the UK is feeling as liberated as this wise character did.12. Yoko Ono Did It Again
Meanwhile, nearly 60 percent of Liverpool voted to remain in the EU.
13. The Dancing Queen
This is just like when Jack asked Rose never to let go in the final scene of the movie "Titanic," and then she did.
14. Ignorance Is Bliss
While this may just be a screenshot of an article, this is meme-worthy by virtue of how ridiculous the lede is.
15. The Meme That Will Never Say Die
Steve Harvey, even you can't deny that this reference is funny.
As the world learns more of this big change, remember to keep calm and carry on!