Lately, life has been on a roll of just giving you shit one after another. It seems to never end. You feel as if you’re stuck in this hole and can’t exactly figure out how to work your way out.
I think a majority of us have seen the illustration of the two people stuck in the hole. One sat there in tears and unable to think of a solution. The other person took off their clothes, tied them together, and used it to climb out. This illustration has always said a lot to me. As of right now, life hasn’t been so easy. I sometimes feel as if I’m not strong enough or as if I wasn’t meant to live this life. We understand we were given this life for a reason. I think everyone has just been feeling that’s extra weight lately.
I always say this to myself, “Don’t let your past define you.” What does this mean exactly you ask? It doesn’t matter where you came from, how financially stable your family was growing up, or your parents mistakes, your past does not determine your future. Now, the thing is, you can let it determine your future. That’s the easy way. That’s the way that will sometimes get to us. We feel that where we came from isn’t good enough to live the life we want. To have that stability emotionally, physically, mentally, and yes, even financially. Everyday, there is someone out there defying those odds. Everyday we can google people who came from nothing or had family complications, and they only went up from there.
Now this doesn’t mean they didn’t have obstacles along the way. No matter what path you take, there will be barriers that you will need to overcome, but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. We need to start having the mindset that everything always works out. One way or another everything comes to together, but only if you work for it. We have to not only work for it for ourselves, but for our partners, our children, and our children’s children.
You have the power to shake your future. It’s up to you whether you get up and do something about it. Every day of our lives counts the wards I our futures. The longer we wait to do something, the less likely we will have a brighter future. Whether you were given the tools or not, you will always have the power to shape your future and what it holds for you.