There is one thing that will never change: the concept of how to deal with snow in the south.
Here are five things that happen when it begins to snow in the south:
1. People tend to freak out about that blizzard that is two inches of snow.
No matter how many times it may happen in a year, people are just never prepared to hear the news that there will be snow.
2. Everyone seems to forget how to drive.
Whenever there's a storm passing through, people seem to forget they've had their license for 30 years.
3. The grocery stores are almost empty.
The lines are long, patience is short, and there is never any bread or milk to be found. Going to the grocery store before snow falls in the south is definitely an interesting journey.
4. When you realize all that white snow you thought you'd play in is really ice.
It may not be the winter wonderland you were expecting. Instead of fluffy white snow, what we really get is thick layers of ice.
5. School is always cancelled...indefinitely.
School is always the first thing to go when that first snowflake hits the ground