We live in a world today where we always point fingers at others but never take the chance to look into our own mirror. We can never address when we are wrong but tell others that they are. And when we have to apologize, we deflect our actions versus being an adult and asking for forgiveness. So why would people really consider electing Donald Trump as President of the United States when he does just this?
This past week has been a hot mess for Trump; from his wife coming under scrutiny for coming to his defense to him saying every allegation of women accusing him of sexual assault is an attack from the Clinton cartel, and the funniest thing, that this election is rigged. But didn't you tell America to vote on November 28th? It amuses me that before any ballots are even counted that you are trying to confuse the American people. It's comical to see this clown lie right before everyone's eyes and us as the voters are eating up every word up. Anyone who can read body language can see that he is fraudulent. Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, and the three blind mice could pick up that once a liar always a liar.
When watching poor Melania's interview with Anderson Cooper, I don't think she believed anything she said; even with that thick accent, she couldn't fool anyone. One thing I have learned over the years is that we are so quick to jump on the bandwagon and accept anything without doing research. If there is a paper trail and audio, how can you say everything coming your way is an attack on your character? First off, your integrity has been questioned since the beginning; actually since your first hotel went bankrupt. This isn't the first or last time you will come under attack for being the kind of person you are Trump.
America please do the future generations a huge favor and make sure we vote the right person for the job. We don't need a hype man; we need a strong, intelligent, fearful leader to guide us. Not the class clown who was picked on seeking revenge on all who made him suffer when he was younger.