No one likes to admit that they aren’t Super Man or Wonder Women, but sometimes the world just gets a little too heavy.
Haven’t you ever heard that “when it rains it pours” because, well, it’s true! There are going to be times in everyone’s lives where nothing seems to go right; your dog ran away and you caught your girlfriend cheating on you then you failed your math test and to top it all off, there was no hot water in your shower this morning. Those are all things that you can manage on their own I’m sure, but when you throw them all together they are just a little too much for anyone to handle.
So how do you manage it? Do you curl up and take a nap and hope it is all better when you wake up or do you get down to business and make things happen? Although I do love a good nap, I think we all know what the right choice is. You have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back to it. Growing up I learned that you get 24 hours to feel bad for yourself then you have to get over it, so go ahead and take that nap and regroup, but when you wake up it's time to get down to business.
When you get overwhelmed you really need to start by looking at yourself and asking, “have I spread myself too thin?” What are your priorities and your goals? If there is anything stressing you out that is not benefiting your priorities, goals or making you a better person – drop it! Life is too short to be overwhelmed by something that is not beneficial in the long run.
When I get overwhelmed I like to look at where I was six months ago, or even six weeks ago. Was I this stressed out and overwhelmed? If so, what have I tried to do to change that and has it helped? A lot of what causes stress is residual from something that has caused you stress in the past. Do you have the same wandering boyfriend who you constantly have to worry about? Are you still skating by in geography with a C? If something has been stressing you and making your life unnecessarily more difficult, then it's time to try something new. Maybe it is time to have a serious conversation with your boyfriend that may end with you deciding it is time to go your separate ways. Maybe geology just is not your subject and you need to look into getting a tutor to assist you through the rest of the semester. Looking to the past is a great way to help build a better future.
This biggest mistake I have ever made while struggling with being overwhelmed was trying to do it all alone. If I could talk to a 16-year-old me, I would tell her to just ask for help. It does not make you dumb to need a tutor. I think it makes you brave to admit you need a little extra help. Whatever you do, you do not have to do it alone. Talk to your mom, talk your brother, talk to a friend, just talk to someone! Not only will it make you feel better, but talking out loud with someone might help you sort out your thoughts and help figure out what is overwhelming you and what you need to do next!
At the end of the day, none of us are perfect, and that’s okay because it makes you human. Everyone gets overwhelmed and everyone has a rainy season, so don’t let that bog you down. What makes all the difference is how you handle it!