I overheard her saying she likes her men like she likes her coffee:
So here I sit, a nice demitasse waiting for engaging repartee.
In the words of a Turkish proverb about java, I am; "black as hell, strong as death, sweet as love."
Ground finer than espresso,
I possess all the right ingredients -just not a brand she’s accustomed to.
See, mine is a flavor that you will savor,
Or quickly dismiss…if you are an ingénue.
My aura has an earthy aroma that is two-fold:
A special blend of subtlety and humor that warms the soul.
Add bold accents akin to Sumatra to make me:
The best part of waking up.
As you lift your mug from the table while reading the morning paper,
Sip on my words real slow.
Ask yourself; “when is the last time I had a really good cup of Joe?”