If you don’t love wine, this probably isn’t the right article for you.
The crazier my life is becoming, the more I realize how much I love wine. I mean, how can you argue that? Here are a few reasons why wine has become the real number one in my life.
Wine will never say no to you.
You can fight with your family, you can fight with your friends, and you can fight with your spouse. Fortunately, wine will never say no to you. Wine will always be there for you if you have it (but let’s be honest, who doesn’t stay stocked up on wine?).
Wine will never make you feel awful.
Wine will make you feel great. Very great. We may need another bottle (or four).
Wine is healthy, right?
I mean, wine is made from grapes.
Grapes are fruit.
Fruit is healthy.
Therefore, wine is healthy. Congratulations, you can still diet while getting drunk.
Wine will never make you feel bloated.
Beer, fattening. Vodka, I’m all set with puking my night away. Tequila? I’d rather keep my clothes on. Do you have any Franzia?
Wine doesn’t require any mixers.
As much as I love doing the 50/50 with vodka and whatever type of soda I can find that would match the taste of my alcohol, I’ll stick to my Sunset Blush.
Wine is the perfect excuse for getting together with the girls.
Name a girl who doesn’t like wine; I dare you.
Having a glass of wine is the perfect invitation to get together with your friends to unwind at the end of the week (or the middle of the week, if you’re like me). Everyone is willing to go, especially if there is Barefoot involved.
Wine doesn’t cost you your entire paycheck.
Whether it’s a $6 bottle or an $18 box, there’s so many options! Being a poor college student limits my options, but fortunately for me, not my taste buds. Grab me one of the Black Boxes, although I prefer a glass of Moscato.
Wine can exercise your body, right?
“Who wants to slap the bag?”
I don’t know about you, but I’d skip arm day at the gym any day if I know a bag of wine is involved.
Wine will never judge you negatively.
You like Chardonnay? Nostalgia at its finest. You do you.
Rosé? This is the wine equivalent to "Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide." It’s the intro wine everybody tries first, regardless of your age.
Boxed Wine = every college girl's dream. Peace, Love, Franny.
Last but certainly not least, you can Netflix and Chill…ed Wine
That is all.