Do you ever just think about all the things you should or need to be doing, but for some reason feel like you can’t? You feel anxious, because sitting around watching 11 episodes of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" is the least-bit productive when you know you should be doing something now to benefit yourself in the future.
You think, “Hey, I should write that article," or “I should do something creative," or even “I should read a book.” All of these things are what I enjoy, but why for some reason, do I lately never feel like doing them.
Am I lazy? Am I depressed? Am I worried that I’ll fail, or do I just not know where to start? I don’t really know, but I know that I need to figure it out soon, because two weeks have gone by and I have nothing to show for it, but a cleared out DVR from watching two seasons of "Ink Master."
I’m stressing myself out because I know there are things that I should do. Things that will enhance me as a person. Things that will make me smarter, more productive, more successful, more positive, and boost my self-esteem. I’m liking how that sounds, but I think I found the reason why I find at the end of a long day, I haven’t really done much of anything.
The anxiety I give myself by obsessing over the things I “have” to do, is what’s preventing me from doing them. In a way, I treat the things I enjoy doing, like writing, reading, photography, and being creative in various forms as chores, because I put such a pressure on myself to do them, that my brain no longer interprets them as a fun hobby, or a satisfying way to spend my day. I put being productive on my own time as a to-do list, not an “I-want-to-do list.” I don’t see them as enjoyable things I can do when I please, I see them as activities I need to do if I want to be a more well-rounded person, or to get a good career in the future, or to make myself smarter, or honestly to not waste my life.
I need to stop stressing over how much I’m doing, or how much I’m not. I need to stop comparing myself to the 19-year-old who writes beautiful poetry, the 20 year-old-working for a prestigious magazine, or the incredible YouTuber with creative content and millions of subscribers regardless of their young age. I need to realize I’m a sophomore in college and I have literally nothing figured out, but that’s OK. I need to stop sizing myself up to others, and thinking they’re so much better than me. All that does is make my confidence go down the drain, which makes it harder to start a project if you have a preconceived notion you’re going to fail.
As I write this, I realize how natural it feels, how soothing it is to let my fingers brush over the keys, how good it feels to channel thoughts into words. It feels satisfying to actually write something with substance after not doing much for a week or so. Once I get started, I’m reminded that taking things at my own pace is good for where I’m at in life. I’m still figuring it all out, taking my time, and learning from my mistakes. I don’t need the unnecessary pressure placed on me by no-one but myself.