I've come to accept that I'm a hopeless romantic. I'm a sucker for a good romantic subplot and seeing my friends be happy with their significant others. Throughout my life, I've dreamed and prayed that God would send me someone who shared my interests and understands me as a person.
As of late, I've recently developed a crush on an acquaintance who is the exact opposite of me. He's kind, funny, and has a good relationship with God, which is something that I find attractive. But our political views and hobbies couldn't be more different.
From the time I've developed this crush to the time I started writing this article, I realized that he's just not that into me. If you're socially inept, like me, then here are the telltale signs he's just not into you.
He bails when you have plans
If the guy you're crushing on is remotely interested in you, he'll show up when you make plans. In his mind, he's looking forward to hanging out with you and will show up to see you
He doesn’t initiate conversations
My friend has a beautiful and healthy relationship with her boyfriend because he asks her about her day and genuinely cares about her.
In past crushes, I've had to initiate conversations and make plans. At first, I thought it was my personality since I'm the one in my group of friends who plans everything. But if a guy relies on you to say when and where to hang out, he's not worth it.
It's also a bunch of bull when he says he's a "bad texter" when he won't text you back. No, he just doesn't want to put in the time to get to know you. He's not texting you back because there's another girl in the picture.
He talks about other girls
I should have stopped having any inkling of emotion for this guy when he brought a girl to hang out with me. What hurts the most was that she was young, thin, and beautiful, something that I'm not.
That should be the red flag that he's not into you, ladies. When he brings another girl along, he's telling you that your just friends. Nothing more, nothing less.
Realizing that you're not the one he wants will break your heart into a million little pieces. But, it's going to be okay in the end. My mom calls guys like this, fill dirt because they help you grow for the person you're supposed to be with.