Losing a loved one is never easy, it's probably one of the hardest things we go through in our lives. There's nothing like losing someone you love after they pass and it changes you forever.
You may feel so many mixed emotions when it happens, that's really normal to have the ups and downs during grief. You'll feel lost, broken, and so much more. You may wish you could've changed it before it got to that point. Maybe it even happened on a day where it's supposed to be special but now you dread that day every single year.
You'll feel like it's not fair. Maybe even think "Why does this have to happen to me?" You'll feel like they're gone too soon and wish you spent more time with them while you could. You'll wonder about the last words you said to them and maybe even wish you could take them back or wish you could have said goodbye. You'll wish for just one more hug or one more kiss before they left.
You'll wonder how God who is supposed to be so great can take someone so special and important away from you before anyone was ready to say goodbye. You won't believe it, not for a while. It won't seem real to you that they're actually gone. It'll be like a piece of your heart just got torn out and stomped on the ground. You may even feel empty inside for a while. You may even feel like you won't ever have that piece of your heart back again because that's their piece.
There will be days where you might not even think about it eventually, and there will be days where it's all you think about. There will be days that it's so hard for you that you won't even want to get out of bed because it hurts so bad. There will be days where you smile for everything.
Eventually, it does get better. As time goes on, the pain starts to hurt less and less. Their memory will always be with you and then they become your strength. You'll remember all the long talks to help you in your life, the talks about your future, the talks about just random things. You'll smile about all the memories, the trips, and vacations together, the holidays, everything.
These are the things that will help you get through the hard times. Just remembering the good times with them and doing everything possible to have them be proud of you while watching down on you.
Nothing compares to losing someone you love to soon. There may have been so many unfinished conversations that needed to happen or memories you should have made. But the important thing is to remember the good memories and just smile because they impacted your life so much. Time will heal all pain. Pain is temporary, but the memories last forever.