We always assume our lives are going in a specific direction. We get focused, excited even, and then we face-plant. We fall head on into the unknown as suddenly God changed his mind.
Sometimes we fall into a rut for a long period of time or we look beyond what God has thrown at us and take action to move forward. While it's great to move forward, sometimes moving on from the rut feels impossible and never-ending.
But God has a plan.
In this rut, it's important to pray for direction and remember what you were put on this earth to do. Such as- making others happy through music, helping others medically, raising or donating money for AIDS and HIV research, rescuing dogs, or even just picking up trash on the beach.
Big or Small, your actions matter
And you can't let a rut decide the importance of your actions. No matter who you are or how you feel, you can get up and do something to better just about anything around you.
Those who mind don't matter
Quite honestly, no church, temple, or place of worship can tell you your worth. Only you can define your worth and live your faith through action. This action and desire to discover your love of God and better the people and world around you is what will strengthen your fate and help you find your path.
While humans can be full of hatred, they can also be warm with passion. And those who are full of hatred are usually in a rut.
The most important thing is to accept that life changes. Your body is always changing so why do you expect life to never change?
You can crawl out of the rut at your own pace. Just believe there is a path and that it will take you the right way. God doesn't bless you with the good and the bad for nothing.