We've all had moments when it seems that everything we hope and pray for goes in a completely opposite direction. That cute boy that you're dying to go on a date with completely ignores you. You didn't get the job that you really needed. Your friend turned her back on you when you needed her most. Or maybe you didn't make the grade you wanted on your midterm and now you're pretty much destined for a C in the class. Prayer is one of our ways of communication with God, so it only makes sense to pray as a way to tell God the desires of our heart. So what happens when God doesn't answer our prayers? Here's a little truth: There's no such thing as an unanswered prayer. He hears every prayer and answers. But sometimes God says no. Wait a second. If He is our God, why would he say no? First, it's important that we remind ourselves of who God is:
God is all-loving. He proved that in John 3:16. He loves us without condition. He can't love us any more than He does right now, and there's nothing we can do to make Him love us any less. But love is not just what He does, it's what He IS. 1 John 4:8 says, "Anyone who does not love does not know God because God is love." If God Himself is love, this means that he demonstrates love toward us. And the biggest way He has demonstrated this love towards us? By sending Jesus to save us from our sins and an eternity in Hell.
"But God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
-Romans 5:8
God is all-powerful. The power of God is one of the basic foundations of our faith. He is sovereign over everything, meaning that He is always in control. He created the stars and He controls the seas. He is above all things, and there is nothing greater than Him.
God is all-knowing. If God is sovereign over creation, this must mean that He is also omniscient, meaning that He is all-knowing. God knows everything. (Hebrews 4:13) Even the simplest of details in our life. He knows everything that is happening right now and He knows everything that is going to happen. He knows us, every thought in our mind and every desire in our heart.
So why does God say no? Because He knows what is best for us. Sometimes what we think is good is not actually good for us down the road. Although we may not see this, God does, because everything that He does is for our good and for His glory.
It's okay to not understand, but we have to remember to trust His plan. It is so difficult to try and hold onto the things that were not meant for us. And when we're so focused on the things that are not of God, we lose sight of how God is working in our lives. Whether you realize it or not, God is making things happen for you. One thing I know for sure is that God promises never to forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6). So give it all to Him, trust His will, and let go, because there is so much more freedom in letting God handle it.