When God gives you lemons…
Opportunity comes knocking.
We live in a world full of opportunity and new adventures, but we fail to be active every single day. We tend be ungrateful for the advanced technology, study abroad programs, and the strangers we meet that are full of wonderfully outrageous ideas. I know because I have allowed myself to miss out on countless occasions.
The unknown can be a terrifying place, but full of new outlooks and trying opinions. Everyone must stop being afraid and take a leap of faith because if not we will all miss that amazing job opportunity, the one guy that actually understands you, or that thrill we need to gain the spark back in our lives.
When opportunity comes knocking we all must answer. The Lord sends good things our way, but we must chase after each and every one of them, whether that be the love of our life or a big break. Having faith that nothing will go wrong is tough and comfort zones are nice and safe, but nothing will ever grow from there. This is a hard lesson that I have learned over the past year.
Leaving home and going away to college was not an easy decision, but I took my acceptance letters to every school as the Lord’s way of saying, “Take the leap and be independent!” Attending fall recruitment and signing a bid with the sorority was something I had always wanted, but a whole new world of girls and Greek life was scary, although I gained faith and that has been one of the best decisions of my adult life. I have learned to seize the day and opportunity.
The following Bible verses taught me to always remember to make lemonade when God gives you lemons!
“Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created.” Ester 4:14
Leaving the place you were born and raised would be one of the hardest tasks. You would leave family, friends, and home, but what if you lost an amazing opportunity? What if that new job in a faraway city was what God had been preparing you for your entire life? Take the leap and be the person your Savior created you for. Leave you corporate job and open a bakery; ignore the talk and be a female gym teacher. Go where God leads you and his creation will thrive!
“When I am afraid I will put my trust in you.” Psalm 56:3
All you need is faith in the Lord. We need only to be still, and God will guide you in the right direction. One simple prayer can have fear slipping away within in seconds. When a decision is tough I quickly place my worries and fear in God, and all is well. A sudden calmness overcomes me, and the same will be for you! All opportunity will be successful if we trust in the Heavens and the Heavens alone.
“Cast all your anxiety on Him; because He cares for you.” I Peter 5:7
Anxiety is silent, but very real. When one is anxious and fearful of the opportunity that has come knocking they must remember that the Lord is the caretaker and he will take away all negative feeling. We must always pray through the nervousness and grow fearless though faith!
“Do not be afraid. I am with you.” Isaiah 43:5
This seems to be self-explanatory. We have no need for fear when opportunity comes our way. We need only to walk with the Lord and all will play out as he has planned for us and our future. I remind myself every day that I have no need to be afraid of my next big test, that big trip, or the guy I wish to make conversation with.
We all need to stop walking in fear and begin living with faith! When opportunity comes knocking we must answer and follow through with the Lord's plans. This is one of the hardest lessons I have learned. Some may not realize that they are losing opportunities daily, but prayer will guide you. We all need the reminder that when God gives us lemons we must make lemonade!