When you give a girl a dog, she'll probably find her first soulmate. She'll become so overwhelmed with the ball of cuteness sitting in front of her, she'll fall head-over-heels in love.
She'll take her dog in as her own sibling and treat her as if she is now a part of her family.
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She'll be the person to teach her how to climb up stairs, tread water (with a life jacket), and go for car rides (without jumping out the window).
She'll eventually have a running partner, a best friend, and an eating partner, that will vacuum all the leftovers and eat all the green beans she slips under the table.
She'll become overwhelmed with how much work it actually takes to care for another living being, with feeding and potty training. She may even ask to return her dog when she pees an unlimited number of times on the floor (but she would never actually give her up).
She'll become frustrated with the number of toys her dog goes through, simply because, her dog doesn't understand that squeaky toys are to play with, not to tear into pieces (with foam floating all over the floor).
When you give a girl a dog, she'll develop a partner who will listen to her problems, and say nothing back, because, sometimes, that's all you need. Someone to lick your tears away, and listen to you.
She'll have someone who can take her mind off all of the worries in the world - because when she looks into those puppy dog eyes, she realizes the only worry her dog has is the next time when the neighborhood squirrel will appear in the yard.
She'll have a best friend who will always be up to watch the Bachelor with her, and listen to her rant about how the current bachelor shouldn't pick that certain (crazy) girl. Someone who will eventually become her own personal bodyguard, and who will never let anyone get too close to her.
She'll have someone to look forward to coming home to, after a long day, who will greet her with unlimited kisses, wagging tails, and cuddles. Someone to look forward to waking up to, when she hears her dog scratching at the door in excitement for her to wake up.
She'll have a companion who only asks for rubs, toys, treats, walks, and a loving home. A partner who will make her forget how cruel people can be, because her dog knows no wrong. Someone to kiss goodnight, and someone who will be right by her side through every (scary) thunderstorm.
Her dog will never leave her side through heartbreak, stomach aches, and school/ work problems. Most of all, she'll have unlimited companionship, love, and happiness brought into her life. To her dog, she's her whole life, but to her - her dog is only one chapter in her life. Her dog provides her with unlimited love and loyalty, because there truly is no one else, who would stick by her side through everything.
(P.S. I wrote this inspired by my dogs (who you see above) - they're never going to read this because they can't read or even comprehend what I just said, but they're hands down the best friends a girl could have)