If you're like me, summer is your favorite 3 months of the year. With summer only being 3 months, it can go by quickly, especially if you're working. Here are some sad but relatable signs your summer might be over.
1. You’re already packing for school/move in
Packing for August move in means fall semester is starting soon.
2. You’ve decided it’s probably too late to buy more bathing suits
What’s the point of buying more bathing suits when summer is already halfway over?
5. You’ve already requested off all the days you have plans for your summer job
After situating all August plans for work, summer feels more like it is coming to an end.
6. You’re already applying for fall semester jobs
Yes, it’s about that time of year to start figuring out fall work plans as your summer job is ending.
7. You’re buying jeans for fall
GiphyIf instead of buying bathing suits you’re buying jeans, that might mean your summer is almost over.
9. You’re already thinking about plans for fall break
GiphyYou have to book those plane tickets!
11. You’re planning Thanksgiving dinner
Turkey or seafood this year? Travel or stay at home? All of this planning is time sensitive.
12. You’re holiday shopping already
If you are holiday shopping already, that might be a sign summer is over.
13. You’re starting to shiver during the day, prompting the need to buy a fur coat in july
Yes, this might mean summer is over as well. In fact, it might even be winter.
14. You’re screaming Christmas songs from the second you wake up until the minute you go to bed
GiphyOnly 5 more months!
15. It’s snowing
GiphySince this usually happens in the winter months, this also is a good sign summer might be over.
If any of these things have happened or is currently happening, your summer '18 might be over, and if you're anything like me, you might be in denial about it. Sadly, summer is only 3 months and according to Phineas and Ferb, 104 days. Happy fall!