I want everyone to look at this picture. This is one of my old friends from back home being made fun of for her make up. Her name is Makayla. She's a sweet girl with a big heart and will help anyone but right here she is being made fun of because she didn't do her make up the ''right'' way. This right here is an example of bullying. According to ABC News, over 30,000 children stay home every day due to the fear of being bullied. Seven to nine percent are more likely to consider suicide and only seventy-three percent of kids will report bullying that includes cyber, physical, and psychological. To me this is horrible and as a mother, I fear this for my children.
Now I'm no saint and I have probably been a bully before without realizing it or realizing the effects it has on someone but I have been bullied pretty much my whole entire life. I've been bullied all throughout school and by family members. I've been made fun of for the way I look, what I wear, where I live, how poor I was, and for who I hung out with. It's a horrible feeling and you just feel helpless. So once you actually defend yourself you either get in trouble or just become a tattle tale.
I've seen so many people be bullied, kids, teenagers, and even young adults. It's a lot different from when we were kids. We don't get picked on at school, we get bullied on social media. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter is filled with ''trolls'' as most of us call them today. They say hurtful things to whatever it is they see. Whatever happened to ''If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it all?''
Personally, I think bullying got worse for me in high school simply because I started dating and not only did certain girls not like me but the boys would make up rumors about me as well. It was more hurtful than being bullied in elementary school because boys this age said so many hurtful things. I guess that's why I'm so defensive now or why anyone is defensive. But I have made amends with people that bullied me or had a problem with me. Most have apologized to me and it's a good feeling but others haven't. I've learned to just put it in the past because it's not good to hold grudges but I still remember the hurtful things they said.
Of course everyone jokes around and we talk about the things going on in our lives but I don't agree with blasting someone on social media. That means including their name or what they have done. Some stuff should be kept between you and that person and solved a different way. I wish that would've happened in high school but instead, I was spit on, literally. That was the worst day ever and I never thought someone would do that to me.
Bullying is a serious issue and no one should be told to just suck it up and deal with it. Seeing videos of kids fighting or talking bad about each other is just horrible. I won't let it happen to my children and I definitely won't let my children be the bullies. Teaching our children to love and respect each other can help end this but we must also teach our children to speak up. Tell someone when you are being bullied.
Don't be afraid to tell someone and get help. No child or parent deserves to lose their loved ones to suicide because they feel like no one is there to help. Instead of making fun of someone or filming a fight just keep your comments to yourself and help. Everyone deserves to be happy and to feel free with who they are.