Ladies, we always seem to be frustrated with the way we are treated by the guys we get involved with. It’s a cycle of feeling a spark and then getting heart broken. Even worse than that is the way we allow guys to treat us. Why do we take time to allow others to attempt to convince us that we are less than what we really are?
You deserve the guy who will show up at your place to apologize after a fight because he knows it needs to be done. The kind of person who wants to make you happy because seeing you smile makes him happy. You do deserve a guy who will go the extra mile to make you laugh, even if that means tickle fights.
You deserve honesty and vulnerability. One who will let you cry and hold you even if it is three in the morning. The one who will go out of their way for you even if they are mad at you. Most importantly you deserve all these things at all time of the day: you deserve more than a booty call. You deserve to be loved.
Once you find that someone, you will be quick to realize that being half-ass loved, or used cannot compare to falling in love for someone. The only catch is: you have to give to receive.
“But what I can do is paint you a picture of what you’ll never see when you’re with a guy who’s really into you: You’ll never see you staring maniacally at your phone, willing it to ring. You’ll never see you ruining an evening with friends because you’re calling for your messages every fifteen seconds.
You’ll never see you hating yourself for calling him when you know you shouldn’t have. What you will see is you being treated so well that no phone antics will be necessary. You’ll be too busy being adored.” - Greg Behrendt