As I sit and scroll through all of my social media sites, I sit back in pure wonder and amazement. The couple that dated for three months, got engaged, and then married is now divorced after six months of marriage. I do believe in the saying "when you know, you know," but I am truly amazed at people my age who fall victim to this cycle.
It makes me sit and wonder, when did marriage become something so trivial to my generation? I look at people from my parent's generation, and even my parents (who have been married twenty-one years,) and think-- when did we lose that? Where along the lines did we decide those snap engagements and snap divorce was acceptable?
My parents taught me that unless something drastic happens-- marriage should be final. Along with fun, rewarding, and amazing. Why have most people in my generation decided that we wanted to place reduced permanence on marriage? In my opinion, I think it is absolutely crazy. Marriage is supposed to be everlasting, in most cases. (If someone cheats or does something horrible, I understand the need to leave. There are always exceptions.)
But getting a divorce because you guys constantly have little fights and you don't want to work through that? Come on. You should know a person through and through before you marry them so little fights don't cause huge issues. Sometimes I feel as if people my age are jumping into marriages too quickly, but then again-- I don't know their situation.
I just think it is crazy for those who have gone through dating, engagement, marriage, and divorce in less than a year. I feel that as times are changing marriage becomes less and less permanent, but that doesn't change the fact that people should work through menial problems that they have. If you want something-- fight for it.
Don't just give it up because it is "easy."
Student LifeNov 14, 2017
When Did Marriage Become A Joke?
​​Don't just give it up because it is "easy."