Some of you know the feelings all too well when depression decides to interrupt your life. It can make you unproductive, tired and forgetful. It doesn't have to be this way though. Make no mistake, none of these helpful hints are going to cure your depression, but they can help you manage some of the pains that come with it.
Here's what you can do when depression...
1. Chains you to your bed
Stand up, or sit up. When the alarm goes off in the morning, use whatever strength you have to move. Some mornings it is hard to get up. Some mornings you have a whisper in your head telling you to give up and close your eyes again. It's easier said than done, but even a small amount of moving in the morning can make getting your day started manageable. It helps to make a routine for your mornings. If you have to, set several small alarms in increments telling you to move to the next thing. Fifteen minutes for this and ten minutes for that can help you conquer small goals, which can get you out the door already feeling accomplished.
2. Ties weights to your shoulders, ankles, wrists and more
Dance. You can physically feel the heaviness sometimes. It can make you lethargic, stressed and tired which can make you not want to do anything. It doesn't have to be this way. Get up on your feet and shake off the weights. Put on your favorite music and dance around and sing no matter how good of a performance. Don't let those weights hold you down even more. Fight through it.
3. Distracts you from your responsibilities
Make lists. Everyone gets a little scatterbrained sometimes, but depression makes it so you can only focus on your troubles. Make a to do list, and finish it. Include rewards for yourself in your to do list too, like watching an episode of your favorite show on Netflix or cooking your favorite meal. It's perfectly fine though if all your day consists of is relaxing, just so long as it's something you are choosing to do and not something depression has told you to do. The key is to not let depression steal from you. Don't let it take your day.
4. Makes you forget
Journal; write yourself a letter at the end of the day. Tell yourself about all the things that took place. Write the good and the bad. Write down that joke your friend told you, and write down all the things you've accomplished. When your brain takes you to that dark place and you can't remember the last time you had a happy moment, open the journal. It was probably yesterday.
The thing is, you'll get through this. Not one of these are a quick fix, but it's a start. It's important to talk to someone, and get help. Just remember that this too will pass like all the hard times you've gotten through before. It's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but have an ounce of hope because things will get better.