At one point during undergrad, you will inevitably contemplate your current major and consider switching to a different major. Some stick to the same major they decided at orientation during freshman year and some may change their major three times in order to find the one they truly love. It happens. And when the time does, be sure to ask yourself a few things.
1. "Could I do this forever?"
"Is it something you could see yourself doing for the rest of your life" Is the most daunting question to ask an eighteen-year-old straight out of college. Even at 20, I clearly couldn't decide on two majors. For the record, knowing what you don't want to do is just as important as knowing what you do want to do for the rest of your life. At the end of the day, only you can decide what you want to do.
2. "Can I grow as a person?"
Life is unfair and full of surprises, it wasn't made to be comfortable and neither is the industry you want to go into. If you're good at something and you genuinely love doing that something, why aren't you pursuing it? Work on your skills that are also driven by a fiery passion. Don't be stuck at a dead-end job feeling stagnant for the next decade.
3. "Why am I doing this?"
Don't choose a major because you're feeling pressure from your parents (trust me, they'll eventually get over it), nor should you choose a major because you believe it's the easiest. First off, nothing is easy in college, not even the parking. Everyone has their "why" and you need to figure out what that "why" is. Your "why" will make you willingly get out of bed in the morning and want to take on the world.
4. "Would I do it all over again?"
The minor I selected during my orientation week ended up being my major, so in a way, it worked out in the end. I switched my major three times before sticking with being an English major. Looking back, I would gladly relive my long nights studying for microbiology or crying over organic chemistry tests if it meant I would end up as an English major again. Could you say the same for yours?
5. "Can I accept the facts?"
Accept the fact that you aren't a better person for selecting one major over the other. If you're just doing it for the money and are going to cause more harm than good for the future, you are singlehandedly the worst person ever. I'm begging you, please don't be that person. Changing your major -even if it's a few times- is also a very normal part of the whole college process and others shouldn't look down upon it because you're also the worst for doing so.
The major you end up deciding may not even matter for the career you end up in for the rest of your life, but whatever you decide to major in for the next few years, make sure you enjoy it and do it for the greater good.