If you're anything like me, your Big is your best friend. You two do everything together. People have started to expect both of you every time one of you goes somewhere. Despite the classes, you love the fall and spring semesters because of the endless Big/Little time. Weekly wine nights, lunch dates, nights out and random adventures with your Big are some of your favorite things. But then summer rolls around, and the moment you've been dreading quickly approaches...
Your Big has to go home for the summer.
At first you tell yourself that you'll be fine. You have plenty of other friends you can hang out with. You don't neeeed them around. You will survive with out them.
But then suddenly, you find yourself alone at happy hour while you FaceTime them so it's almost like they're with you.
As the weeks go on, you soon realize that they really are the person you hang out with the most, but that just makes you miss them more. You constantly blow up their phone with texts and Snapchats about how much you want them to come back. Your daily phone calls about what is going on in each others' lives over summer is the only reason you don't go crazy.
You two spend hours planning trips to come see one another and start counting down the days. You're one happy Little now that you get to see your Big. But now that you have plans to see them, it seems as if the days are going by slower and slower.
Finally, it's time for them to come back to your college town. You sit patiently by your phone waiting for them to call and say "I'm here!" (You may even shed a tear when that happens.) You run outside to see them and jump into their arms with the hopes that they catch you and neither of you falls in the process.
And just like that, everything is right with the world again because you have your Big by your side.