To many people, "be yourself" is a cliché and is one of the first things they remember being told throughout life. Listening to people constantly tell you "It's what's on the inside that matters" & "be the best you that you can be," but how easy is it to be yourself?
The concept of being yourself is constantly repeated as we grow up. It is something we often think of as easy, or at least easy to say. These words can often be tough to follow through with in today's society.
Today's society is one where it is easy to be yourself if the labels placed on you are "likeable" or "normal". The judgement of society forces you to think that being normal or likeable is to be just like all the other "likeable" or "normal" people in the world. Think about what truly makes a person "likeable" or "normal"?? --- those labels are opinions and mean something different to each person. We decide that the true (and best) version of our self is to be placed on the backburner so that we are accepted in this judgmental society.
By putting the best version of yourself on the backburner you are not living up to your fullest, God-given potential. We all do it at times, whether it is because of a new environment, needing a new group of friends, or just not being happy with who you are. Who you are is a difficult thing to become happy with and it is hard to stay happy with yourself. Yet once you are truly happy with who you are, it becomes easier to be yourself in today's judgmental society.
Today's society is primarily focused on fitting in and being just like those around you. I've struggled with that, just as many of you reading this probably have. Wanting to fit in is a normal thought and a normal want. The combination of social media and the pressure to fit in make being yourself even more difficult than it has been in the past.
However fitting in does not have to mean changing who you are. Fitting in means finding those people who accept you for your true self and whom do not judge you based on how you act or the way you are. Here's to those you have learned to love you & be yourself despite what others may think.
Only you can choose who you are. Be yourself no matter the situation! The truest version of YOU is one where you do not let a judgmental society choose who you are or who you become!!!