I consider myself to be a physically and mentally healthy person. I eat whole foods, I exercise, and I love doing it. As someone who, admittedly, has also been an annoying person, I offer the following tips as a means of guiding those who want to attain the label of the “healthy, happy, chill friend” not the label of the “healthy friend who wants everyone to know she’s healthy.”
Tip #1: Over-Sharing is not caring.
You just had a huge green smoothie. You just worked out. You're putting nutrients into your body, and you’re feeling pretty good. Go ahead! Take a picture of that green smoothie. You deserve it. But do you really need to post it on Instagram? Look at your feed. If in the last 7 days you posted a picture of your workout, your acai-bowl or any salad of any sorts… It’s time to take a break. Your friends love you, and this is why they don’t say anything, but chances are if they see another fit-spo quote on your social media, they might explode.
Tip #2: Just because you don’t eat cheeseburgers and fries anymore, it doesn’t mean your friends can’t enjoy theirs.
Yes. We know that French fries are full of oil, sodium and deliciousness. It’s okay if you choose not to eat them! Your digestive system probably thanks you for it. But it’s not okay to prevent your friends and family from enjoying the foods they implement into their diets just because it’s different from the lifestyle you live. Sure, I’m sure they "appreciate" the health fact you blurted out at dinner but chances are they’re just trying to enjoy their fries in peace. By blatantly labeling foods as healthy and unhealthy to others, you may unintentionally make them feel bad or guilty about the food choices they’re making. Just like you shouldn’t have to take crap about eating healthy, you shouldn’t bother others over eating junk food.
Tip #3: If you do have a French fry, eat it and move on.
Assuming you are human, the odds that you have eaten said fries off your friend’s plate are high. Part of living a healthy life style is refraining from restriction and allowing yourself to enjoy treats from time to time. There is no harm in that! But there is harm in grabbing a handful of fries, or ordering a slice of cake, and then carrying the fact around with you like you’ve committed a crime. If you find yourself saying, “Omg I just ate so much unhealthy junk I have to stop it’s so bad”…. Then you’re right, you do have to stop. Stop talking about it. Part of a treat is the enjoyment you get out of eating it! When you take that joyful experience and follow it by insulting your self-control, you’re not only ruining that experience for yourself but the people you’re enjoying it with. Food is good, food is delicious and eating and enjoying it with people you love is what is important. Don’t focus on the meal that put a dent in your healthy week, enjoy it in the moment and then move on.
When you start to get healthy, you feel energized, happy and it’s human nature to want to tell everyone about it. Go ahead and enjoy it! Enjoy your new lifestyle, but let others enjoy theirs as well and make sure you keep in mind the difference between being inspirational and being over the top.