You’re a child. New to the world. Naïve. Lacking responsibility, but overflowing with innocence and imagination. Bursting with ever-present energy. This is the time of your life.
You’re an adolescent. Finding yourself. Continuously learning from and absorbing everything around you. You don’t have to have anything figured out yet. This is the time of your life.
You’re a new adult. Discovering your passions and preparing to pursue them. You’re body and mind are agile and capable. You’re chasing your dreams. This is the time of your life.
You’re middle aged. You’ve chased you’re dream and caught it. You’re completely in charge of your own life now. Live for yourself, live with someone else, create new life; the choices are yours to make. This is the time of your life.
You’re old. You’re body and mind are tired, but experienced. You’ve loved and lost. Fallen and gotten up. Lived and learned. You endlessly reminisce the life you’ve lived. This is the time of your life.
So, which is it?
We’ve heard the “glory days” are so many different time periods throughout our lives. When we are older we wish to be younger, and when we are young we want nothing more than to be grown up. “Things were so much easier when I was younger.” “I wish I was older so people would take me seriously.” Why are we always wishing to be where we are not? We rush through life and then wish we could rewind the clock.
Which is it? How about all of them?
We could spend our days wishing to be in another time; literally wishing our lives away, or we could soak up every moment. Living every day to make memories that will last a lifetime. That way, when it’s all said and done, we can look back on the lives we have lived, not wishing to be able to do it over, but feeling content with the lives we have been given; the lives that we have lived to the fullest. We have a choice. We can exist day to day, or we can live every day.
When you are young, relish the ability to live without care and responsibility. Let your imagination and creativity form the foundation for the life you will strive to live.
When it comes time to take on responsibility, take it on passionately and eagerly. Take full advantage of your body and mind’s ability to conquer the many obstacles that you will undoubtedly encounter.
When the life you live is in your own hands, grasp it tightly. Embrace change and unexpected events, and when decisions are too difficult to make by yourself, rely heavily on your faith, and know that you are never too old to ask for help.
When you have an entire life to look back on, reflect on an adventurous life. One with spontaneity, triumph, and priceless memories. Not wishing you could live it over again, because you know that it couldn’t possibly be as fulfilling the second time around.
We are far too caught up in wishing to relive the past, and demanding to rush to the future. Yes, wonderful times in our lives have passed, and more wonderful times are still to come. But right now is a wonderful time that we don’t have to wish for or wait for.
So, live every day to make a memory that you will never forget.
Live a life that is one of a kind.
Make your whole life the time of your life.
Make all of your days the glory days.