Alright, listen up, people. There are times to ask for help, and there are times to make things happen for yourself with some hard work and dedication. Unfortunately, using "GoFundMe" has become a trend for those who want a little extra cash, which is absolutely not what the website is meant for.
Founded on the notion of helping individuals, groups, and organizations reach monetary goals, this website was meant to help support meaningful causes. For example, some GoFundMe pages are created to raise money for those who need to pay cancer treatment bills, tuition for those who cannot afford it, and to increase awareness of hearing loss, disease, and other similar causes. This is an incredible platform for change, and was a wonderful idea for a website. So when people start creating GoFundMe pages for Justin Bieber tickets and label it as an "emergency" cause, I get angry.
Lately, I have been seeing GoFundMe pages with testimonials all over social media. Some of the most ridiculous include, "Help me go to Mexico for spring break" and "Help me see Beyonce on tour." Just out of curiosity—what seems logical about asking friends, family, and peers to help pay for a trip to Mexico at an all inclusive resort so you can get drunk in paradise for a week? And I know Beyonce is a talented artist and an inspiration to many, but why would I ever donate a portion of my well-earned paycheck to you so that you can see your favorite singer perform a few songs? No offense, but I would much rather put my money toward a cause that will better the world—or simply toward seeing Beyonce myself.
It's no surprise that this generation can be very lazy and selfish, but creating GoFundMe pages for stupid reasons seems a bit extreme. If you want to go on a lavish trip somewhere or see your favorite artist in concert, work extra hard at your job or ask for some money for your birthday. Tap into your savings account and take out the extra money that you've been stowing away for a special occasion, and enjoy it! If that's not an option, ask around for ways to make a little extra cash and save up. You'll feel proud of yourself for working for what you want, and it will be worth it. Let's support those who really need our help, not ask people to fund the somewhat selfish things we may want.