Going to class can be easy. Or it can be hard. When there are wheels going every direction the few minutes between classes, there are too many people being unsure of exactly where they're going. Colleges aren't designed for the craziness of wheels. But too many people think they're a good idea. This can lead to confusion, chaos, and craziness between classes. And those 15 minutes I'm walking to class, I have some (really random) thoughts about the importance, ignorance, and ineffectiveness of wheels on campus.
Here are my thoughts of walking to class while watching everyone ride/drive/move to class.
1. Texting on a bike is unsafe on so may different levels.Especially in-between classes: high traffic situation creates more room for error.
2. People can't make split second turns with wheels. Please invest in a bell to warn people you are trying to be in the Tour de France as you zoom past.
3. Is it really that hard to steer a bike?
4. No one needs a Snapchat of you on your bike. (Wow, look at that windblown hair, s'cute.)
5. Where's the guy with the unicycle?
6. If you skateboard to class, please actually know how to use it.
7. It's not cool when you almost faceplant/lose your board on your way to class.
8. Why do hoverboards move so slowly? Is that an efficient mode of transportation? Can those people even walk? The epitome of laziness, seriously.
9. Who brought scooters back from middle school? Honestly, that's kinda cool. Maybe I'll ask for a scooter for Christmas. Or maybe even a moped. Wow, I would stink at driving a moped.
10. How do people have money to buy all these things? But think of how quickly I could get to class with wheels: I could get at least 20 extra minutes of sleep — that's a game changer.
11. But seriously, sidewalks are for walking. Either be a pedestrian or drive a car, nothing in-between. It's hazardous for humanity.
12. Mad respect for the dude on the segway.
13. Why does every girl have to own a "cute" bike? Where's the diversity, people?
Ultimately, if you can, walk to class. Wheels hurt you and hurt others. (But if you get to ride on a moped, do it; it rocks.) Wheelin' your way around campus may look cool in the moment. But navigating around texting college students, professors in deep conversation on the way to class can be a hassle. Classes in college are complicated. But getting to classes in college can be equally complicated.Take a moment and consider your means of transportation. And please be aware of your surroundings as you walk across campus. There are many college students that are silently thanking you for avoiding them on their way to class.