With the inevitable winter now in full swing, it becomes easier than not to get down in the dumps. The sun isn't always shining, it's constantly cold, and people are generally just miserable. Around this time of year it is important, for me at least, to remind myself that sunny skies are just around the corner and that even though the Vitamin D is seriously lacking, there are activities you and I can do to keep ourselves feeling positive and upbeat. So I challenge you...what is your source of light during this cold winter season?
It could be some type of physical activity like running, yoga, swimming, or walking around somewhere fun with a friend. Physical movement is important because it gets the endorphins going in your brain, and high levels of endorphins equal a happier attitude. I've started going to the gym with a few of my friends every day after class, and to switch it up on some nights, I am now taking two dances classes through a dance club at my school.
I also found that keeping myself busy by planning events for the week has a positive effect on my overall attitude. If I have something to look forward to among the craziness of school and homework, like a lunch date with a friend or a volunteering opportunity, I have more motivation to get through the day with a positive attitude.
And, of course, my time with God is vital to making it through EVERY season. Since I am not a "morning person" in any sense of the term, my roommate and I have started to do a devotional every night before bed so that we have something to keep in mind for the following day. I enjoy the conversation that the devo brings and how strangely relevant each one is to everyday life (God has a funny sense of humor.)
So, what's your light? Don't drop as low as the temperature outside or become as dark as the winter night sky. Find something to get you out of bed and into a place of bright happiness this winter season.