You know what's weird? College Dorm Rooms.
Don't get me wrong college dorm rooms are useful. I mean they are a home away from home, but maybe it is just kind of weird. Have you ever thought hey these are just little holes in a wall? And, if you are anything like Siena's first floor dorms they are holes in the wall that are among class things. I mean professors pass them to try to get out of the connection between an easy access to Dominican Hall and the Science Building. Weird right?
Also you are kind of going to the outside world away from your "home" by being inside and yet you put your jacket on as soon as you leave your dorm?
And if you use the community bathroom it's like you are back in past where only community bathrooms existed.
And these homes don't have kitchens or living rooms and are very very small.
Not to mention you see your classmates way too much.
So yeah college dorm rooms are weird.