What Everyone Who Loves Food Should Know About GG Crackers | The Odyssey Online
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What Everyone Who Loves Food Should Know About GG Crackers

You don't choose GG crackers, they choose you!

What Everyone Who Loves Food Should Know About GG Crackers
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Everyone loves crackers, I mean, what's not to like about them? They're tasty, fewer calories than bread, and for the most part, delicious also. The new generation has come to love the very own GG crackers, or also called the Scandinavian Bran Crispbread.

What are these GG crackers you are most likely wondering about? Why are people raving about this cracker? What makes it so special and unique from your other cracker families? To simply answer this, GG crackers are also known as the low carb and high fiber appetite control cracker.

With an excellence source of fiber of four grams per serving, 20 calories per serving, two grams net carbs per serving, and as well as fat-free with low sodium, the GG crackers win the weight loss game cracker and replace any type of bread. The GG crackers satisfy your appetite more successfully than any other bran product. These crackers make it easier for the users to quickly lose weight and maintain a healthy way of life.

Gross. A user's first thought after consuming a plain GG cracker. What's the secret to making them so tasty? It's as effortless as putting toppings on the GG crackers!

Thanks to Tanya Zuckerbrot, MS, RD, and founder of the F-Factor Diet Plan, GG crackers became very popular in the world of weight loss and eating healthy. In fact, GG crackers are the star of Tanya's diet since her diet mainly focuses on the significance of fiber intake and how it reduces the amount of food users consume.

The many creations and combinations of toppings on the GG crackers make for the perfect snacks and meals.

One of Tanya's most popular meals is her f-factor "pizzas," using GGs of course. 200 calories and 16+ grams of fiber is very satisfying. Who doesn't like marina sauce and cottage cheese? In addition, you can add turkey pepperoni, veggies, and your fat-free seasonings such as pepper. People definitely rave about this delicious combination. Who wouldn't?

For the past two weeks, I have been utilizing what the f-factor has to offer. Two of my favorites that I prepare interchangeably are also GG combinations.

For lunch, I enjoy four GGs with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, a half of banana, and a slight drizzle of honey. On other days, likewise, I prepare four GG's with vegan cream cheese, lox, onion, and top it off with everything bagel seasoning. These recipes are extremely delicious and definitely satisfying especially when you are on the go.

To anyone who celebrates Passover, including myself, and is keeping Kosher, the accustomed GG crackers step down, and matzah takes the fame.

You can't do Passover right without the traditional matzah now, can you? In place of the Manischewitz matzo, factor in the Osem Israeli Matzah, which is indeed high in fiber. This brand of matzah actually slows down digestion causing a longer feeling of fullness.

If you never heard of these "GG crackers" or weren't too crazy about them, this is your time to give them a second chance.

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