What sets the American soul on fire? Is it the day off from work? Is it the grand display of fireworks? Or perhaps our nations independence? Ultimately, what lights your spark this patriotic holiday?
Annual Fourth of July sales are in full effect. Come this time around, we notice huge department store sales and advertisements in the newspaper for "buy one get one half off" discounts in preparation for the big three day weekend.
A warm summer breeze fills the air as pools open and boats are taken out on the lake. The smell of hot dogs and hamburgers sizzling outside on the grill creates the typical American summer aesthetic.
Inside the kitchen, we sense the snug aroma of baked treats as children run through in light of poking fun with one another.
Cars are packed for fun-filled road trips to greater destinations with clear waters and blue skies.
As night fall draws near, bonfires are started to roast s'mores and to heat up the sudden crisp air. The pure magic of sparklers and fireworks light up the luminescent sky.
As we gather around family, friends, and loved ones this Fourth of July, let's reflect and rejoice. Think of the freedom we have in this country. We are celebrating the birth of America. On this day, the United States gained independence in 1776 from Britain.
It's a day of passionate emotions and cheerful celebratory events. It's a day to be thankful for.
Independence Day is important in every country and every country celebrates with great happiness. What does this day mean to you?