A wise woman named Dorothy Allison once said, "Things come apart so easily when they have been held together with lies."
I've always wondered why people lie all the time, but maybe that's just because I'm an open book. Given, I do tell white lies once in awhile, like everybody else.
In the dictionary, to lie is to speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive.
As you already know, lying is destructive. Lying is hard to keep track of, why would you want that? And better yet, you always get caught, no matter if it's in ten minutes or ten years, someone will always find out that you lied.
The most important problem is that lying makes people lose their trust in you. Why would you want that? Would you rather know that you got away with the stupid lie or lose your friend's trust in you? I'm sorry but I would rather tell the truth than be called a liar by my own family/friends.
When you are honest, you can feel at peace. When you're honest, you build trust and have healthy relationships. When you are honest, you feel relaxed. When you lie, you become a manipulator, lose your dignity and pride, and you become weak.
Wouldn't you like to avoid the cycle of lying? I know I would.
Next time you want to lie about something important, think about how much work it is to be honest and compare it to how much work it is to LIE.