Have you ever read the book What's the Matter With Kansas? Probably not, and neither have I, but I have heard of it and it seems fitting to what's going on in our political landscape. From my basic five-minute research analysis that consisted of Wikipedia and Spark Notes, I found out what the book was basically about. The book tries to understand the phenomena of why people in Kanas vote in conservative politicians that don't do anything to help their economic interests. The theory is that it's because of social wedge issues that basically don't matter. The blame shifts on liberal "elites" who hate America and want to destroy it because they think that a guy and another guy banging is okay with them.
Not to say that there isn't any sort of blame to go around coming from the other side. You'd be naive if you didn't understand that the democratic party essentially left blue collar workers in the dust for white-collar professionals who are liberal on social issues, as mentioned in the book. This has to be the perfect analogy for what has happened in the past month.
Polls always aren't accurate, as we've seen, but they are a pretty good indicator of what people think. I don't claim to speak for people who voted for Donald Trump, and it is dumb and hypocritical for liberals to assume they're all racist and uneducated redneck morons, I know I've indulged in those conversations and jokes, but we also can't be blind either.
Not every Trump supporter is a racist, xenophobe, sexist monster, but we've seen/heard what some have said, done, and are proposing. I've written before about the awful things that a large minority, and in the Muslim ban a majority, of Trump voters think. At the very least the racist, sexist, and xenophobic rhetoric wasn't high on the deal breaker list, which is how you listed your priorities.
We have people in the middle of the country, white working class people, who were screwed over by the establishment on both sides. Hillary Clinton, for better or worse, right or wrong, was seen as the face of that establishment "elite," who, I'm sorry to say liberals, failed to take control of the campaign and focus on the fact that Donald Trump wasn't in people's best economic interest. Couple that with the fact that the "outsider" candidate directed that economic anxiety and anger towards people who have no power and are not your enemy. Sprinkle in the $1-$2 billion in free air time from the media, and I'm left asking what's the matter with Trump voters?
I'm only asking this because polls of what Trump supporters are thinking lately are questionable at best and downright ignorant at worst. Remember "Crooked" Hillary. That was the main gripe they had with her. She is so corrupt she will destroy America. They chanted "lock her up" at every rally. Donald Trump's corruption though? Ehh it's cool. Seriously look. 71% of Republican voters think that it's mainly a good thing that Trump's businesses will affect his decision making as President. Uhh, excuse me? You were all ready to put Hillary in front of a firing squad over the Clinton Foundation, but when it's your candidate it's cool?
Ok fine so they're a little hypocritical so what? It's not like we all haven't done that, or are going to do that again in the future right? It's not just that, though. It's the complete ignorance of basic facts. I'm sure you all want to hear what Public Policy Polling asked Donald Trump supporters right? 67% of Trump supporters said that the unemployment rate when up, yes I said up, up, up, up, under Barack Obama. Let me write that one more time so everybody knows this isn't a joke. 67% of Trump supporters said that the unemployment rate went up under Barack Obama. 39% of Trump supporters said that the stock market went down under Barack Obama, while 19% said they weren't sure. In other words, 58% of Trump supporters have no idea that the stock market went up.
A reporter from Vox decided to hang out with a Trump supporter for a little over a week, in a county, in Kentucky, that overwhelmingly went in favor for Trump. The funny thing about this Trump supporter is that her job is to sign up people for Obamacare. The uninsurance rate went down by 60% in that county thanks to Obamacare.
There are things that need to be fixed about Obamacare no doubt. The goal of the law wasn't to "slow down" the rising costs, it was called the "Affordable Care Act" for a reason. Republicans want to outright get rid of it, though, despite the good things that it has done.
Apparently, that didn't get across to these voters, though. Check out some of these quotes they had in the article. "I kept hearing informed voters, who had watched the election closely, say they did hear the promise of repeal but simply felt Trump couldn’t repeal a law that had done so much good for them. In fact, some of the people I talked to hope that one of the more divisive pieces of the law — Medicaid expansion — might become even more robust, offering more of the working poor a chance at the same coverage the very poor receive,"
“We all need it,” Oller told me when I asked about the fact that Trump and congressional Republicans had promised Obamacare repeal. “You can’t get rid of it.”
“I guess I thought that you know, he would not do this, he would not take health insurance away knowing it would affect so many people's lives,” says Debbie Mills, an Obamacare enrollee who supported Trump. “I mean, what are you to do then if you cannot pay for insurance?”
For some strange reason, these Trump supporters don't want one of the main things he campaigned on to happen. They "all need it" you can't just get rid of the law. Then why did you vote for him?
Another interesting part of the article is a Trump supporter talking about the Medicaid expansion and how she doesn't like to see people who "don't work" just using it as a free ride. After she tells a story about how she was on Medicaid at one time, the reporter asks her if she had a problem with enrolling in a program she criticizes. “Oh, no,” she said quickly. “I worked my whole life, so I know I paid into it. I just felt like it was a time that I needed it. That’s what the system is set up for.” Oh ok, I get it now, so socialism and using government programs is ok when YOU do it, but when somebody else does it they're a moocher.
Here we are at the end of this long-winded article, and I'm still asking the question "what's wrong with Trump voters?" Is it just Kanas on a much larger scale? Was Hillary that bad? Was the enemy of the "other" involved? Was it a media that didn't hold him accountable? And are people just plain ignorant? I like to think it's a huge tornado of all of that stuff combining into one big cluster of crap. The stars aligned perfectly for someone like Donald Trump to become President, we're all going to pay the price for it.