Honestly, you guys, I am absolutely flabbergasted at all of the fuss that has been raised about this transgender bathroom issue. I can't even remember how it all got started. That's how ridiculous this all is.
First of all, If a rapist or murderer wanted to go into the bathroom with your child, they'd do it regardless of whether transgenders are allowed to use their bathroom of choice or not. Basically, if a person is going to rape you they are going to rape you regardless of other circumstances. Maybe we should teach out children to always travel in pairs and how to defend themselves instead of teaching them how to use our iPhones so they will be quiet in a restaurant. It is absolutely impossible for me to fathom this controversy right now.
I feel like I'm watching history repeat itself right now. Do you understand that our parents and grandparents had the exact same arguments about letting blacks use the same bathrooms as whites? We're arguing about gender like our ancestors used to argue about race. "Blacks are the abomination of the earth." Oh, sounds familiar doesn't it? Kind of like,"Homosexuals are the abomination of this earth." Yeah, I thought so. People, no matter race, gender or sexuality, should have the freedom and the agency to choose whatever bathroom they would wish to use. Wow, I never thought I would have to say that sentence. We can't be racist and say racist things, but we can discriminate against people who feel like they were born in the wrong body? I am outraged at our nation as a whole. If you feel uncomfortable sharing the bathroom with a transgender, gay, lesbian, or bisexual person, then something is seriously wrong with you.
Why do we live in a nation that preaches equality and is the city upon a hill for millions of immigrants, but we do not practice equality? Why is it so hard for us to practice what we preach? We live in a nation of martyrs and hypocrites. I cannot express my pure frustration in words. I throw my hands up and shake my head because I somehow can't understand how people think that someone of another sexuality is disgusting. As I said before, I do not understand why this is such a big issue. We are fast approaching a critical election, and this is what we're focusing our energy on? Do you understand how backwards and messed up our country is?
Did I just have it too good growing up? Was I too lucky? Let me clarify, I have an older brother who is gay, married, and has a beautiful adopted daughter, and it would absolutely crush me to see him discriminated against for being the person the person who I love so much. Was I just too lucky to have an older brother who taught me that someone else's life decisions don't affect you? I'm so thankful to have the family that I do because I would hate to be as close minded of some of the people in this world. I encourage you to spend a week with someone who is LGBT and see that they are some of the best people in this world.
This bathroom issue isn't even an issue. It's absolutely pointless because I'm sure transgender people have been choosing whatever bathroom they identify as for years now. I don't understand why we want to make this a law. Are we bored as a nation? I ask because stuff like this are arguments that people with nothing better to do start. If you want something to do I'm sure I could find something better for you to do than argue about something as ridiculous as this.
The discrimination in this nation needs to end now.