Quaint and historical, New England is exceptionally distinct with changing seasons, coastlines, and towers of mountains. With plentiful opportunities for employment, easy commutes from the suburban areas into the cities, and a prominent sports culture have linked New England to be a sought out place to live.
However, as with anywhere nowadays, society has created various stereotypes for those residing in the states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Born and raised in Connecticut, one certain misconception has left my mind quizzical when seeking to understand the reasoning: "All" New Englanders are in a hurry.
Believers of the stereotype have a tendency to foresee New Englanders as consistently in a rush, our lives are run by a neatly detailed schedule we would not dare to interrupt, and mental success is achieved by completing a task. One may find us bustling through the city, in utter rage from hitting traffic on the way to work, or having little to no patience when the barista is taking to long to make our coffee. Our fast-paced lives declare a permanent calculation in our mind where the more productive our day is plus the short amount of time taken to complete a task equalizes a fulfilled life. Our schedule is on our own terms, never daring to embrace our inner laziness.
I apprehend this persona differently in a less cynical light. Particularly, New Englanders relentlessly enjoy keeping busy with a packed schedule. We seek adventure rather than remaining dormant, wanting the most out of our day while striving to complete our inner goals. We are not bustling through the day with carelessness towards the activity we are completing; we simply are finishing our obligations (school, sports, or work related) in order to create more room for the activities we enjoy. Balancing volunteering, work, exercise, and social interactions endorse our lives, and we can't get enough of it.
New Englanders are extremely driven human beings; we may rely on the clock, but the clock does not rely on us.